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Last update January 12, 1996 1st NASA M&P STANDARDS VIDEO CONFERENCE

DATE:	December 2, 1993

TIME:	12:30 - 2:30 PM EST

PLACE:	Individual NASA Centers Video Conference Facility (PSCN VITS)


o    Introduction - NASA HQ                                 			(5 minutes)

o    Objectives of Telecon and Next NASA M&P Standards Meeting - JPL/JSC        (5 minutes)

o    Establish Dates for 2nd NASA M&P Standards Meeting - All        		(10 minutes)

o    Invitation List - All                                  			(20 minutes)

o    Topics to be Discussed at Meeting - All                     		(50 minutes)

o    Issues/Concerns - All                              			(20 minutes)

o    Summary - JSC/JPL                                      			(10 minutes)

For more information you can contact: Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Cheng Hsieh or Tim O'Donnell Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), M.S. 125-112, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Phone: 818-354-2610 Fax: 818-393-5011 E-Mail: